Monday, July 25, 2016

The Holy Trinity of Micro Four Thirds Lens

The Holy Trinity of Micro Four Thirds Lens

Many photographers have heard of the “Holy Trinity” for various systems, when asked experienced photographer will say that lenses are a better investment than a new camera body.

Holy Trinity usually means a wide angle lens, a standard short portrait focal lens and a long/portraits focal lens which many blog site, many forums had deem are the Olympus 12mm f2.0 wide angle lens, Panasonic/Leica 25mm f1.4 lens and the Olympus 75mm f1.8 lens. As you can see these 3 lens are not cheap, the cheapest among is the Panasonic/Leica 25mm f1.4, Amazon selling USD $597.99, 2nd hand selling around $600 in Singapore Carousell.

My budget "Holy Trinity" lens are as follow:

  • Wide angle 28mm equivalent: Panasonic 14mm f2.5 (Around $150*) Reviews
  • Same viewing angle as the eye 50mm equivalent: Panasonic 25mm f1.7 (Around $200*) Reviews
  • Portrait lens 90mm equivalent: Olympus 45mm f1.8 (Around $200* but I got it @ $180*) Reviews
*Note: All those 2nd hand price quoted can be found in Carousell Singapore.

My "Holy Trinity"

Tower of the Holy Trinity

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