Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fundamental Digital SLR Handling Course (SDW course)

Today just attended the Sony Digital Workshop, "Fundamental Digital SLR Handling Course". Had a good understanding and knowledge of my Sony Alpha DSLR, taught by Julian W, Sony's Photographer...All right, I will give some inside detail of what I had learn from the course.

  • Shutter Mode
Shutter Speed set to higher, picture become darker, so need to adjust ISO to a higher setting to make it brighter.
Press AEL to zoom in to view the sharpness of the picture after taken.

  • Threshold of the shutter speed
Majority of the people had a threshold of handling shutter speed at 1/30 without the use of the SSS(Super Steady Shot). Sony SSS can only support up to 2 drop of the shutter speed, the rest is up to your fundamental of breathing before firing your shot.(Remind me of my M-16S1 Weapon fundamental handling during BMT...hehehe)

So to know your true threshold of your own steadiness, try this, switch your shutter speed to 1/30, turn off SSS, take 10 same shots, press AEL to zoom in to check your sharpness, drop 1 drop of the shutter speed and repeat till all your 8-10 shots are blur, that is your true threshold.

  • D-Range Optimizer
When film is brought to a developer for processing, technicians adjust the photo lab printer to control the overall image density – balancing the exposure between highlight and shadow areas – to produce perfect images.

Now you can be your own technician to bring out the
exposure between highlight and shadow areas!! Hows that for my Sony DSLR, but when taking bright object/subject, off the D-Range Optimizer or the picture when taken will be blown out the bright colors making it over contrast. Example, Red, Yellow....those bright colors

  • Golden Tips:
Always on your D-Range Optimizer and set it to Plus (+).

  • Aperture Mode
Aperture are very important in the essence of the photo you taken.

  • Aperture Setting:-
  • F/4 and below
Isolation of main subjects

  • F/5.6-8
General Photography
Postcard Photography
Group Photography

  • F/11
Scenery/Landscape Photography*
Totally Sharp Photography*
*Note: Needs Tripod

  • Golden Tip:
F/29: Nightshot with Tripod, Iso 100, 15 sec, can get starlight kind of effect from the lights from lamp post.

Always set to "Vivid" mode for better color shot.

**PS: This course and some of the setting mention above is meant for Sony Alpha DSLR only.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, do yo u have a copy of the course material in pdf? If you have, can you drop me a mail at


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